Get Started
Get Started


Boost your engagement and revenue

World-class email marketing

Design Emails    |   Send Emails   |   Automate   |   Analyze   |   Optimize

Design emails

Send email campaigns to your email lists. A/B test your subject or content of the emails for better results.

Send emails

Send and schedule bulk email campaigns to your entire list or by custom lists, tags and segmentation

Automate emails

Split test your email subject or content to see what will give better results for your campaigns

Drag & drop email designer with AI

Split test your email subject or content to see what will give better results for your campaigns

Powerful AB testing

Easy to use editor makes it easy to create responsive templates for your next campaign or automation.

Abandoned cart email sequences

Blast emails, create smart automation flows, build your email list + design and save email templates

Personalize your automation flows

AB split test your pages and create flows with a few clicks to convert more of your traffic to actual leads and customers.

Integrates with website, funnels, store and CRM

Blast emails, create smart automation flows, build your email list + design and save email templates

Build smarter email campaigns that accelerate your growth

No credit card needed

Create your
free website

The future of website and business builders is here!

ZINJA's all-in-one platform is a game changing solution that's easy to use and powers your entire business online.

Build more than a website

Build your business

Discover why so many start-ups and entrepeneurs ZINJA for building their website and growing their businesses online

Professional website templates designed for every industry


Complete website design solution + business apps

Create, amplify, engage, automate, analyze and grow your business 

Smarter eCommerce

Your online store and sales funnels work together to boost sales. Create personalized automation flows, custom checkouts with upsells, limited offers and sales bumps.

Better email marketing

Email marketing and automations designed to increase engagement and grow your business. Send emails, create smart automation flows and build your marketing lists

Premium apps

Seamless business apps designed to grow your business. Add appointments, build communities, create exclusive content for members, offer subscriptions and more.

A platform designed for conversions

Reshape how you sell online with the power of funnels, automation and custom checkouts

Funnels convert 3-5 times better than regular e-commerce pages

Powerful apps to grow your business

Easy starts here!

60+ Training Videos

ZINJA's video training teaches you everything. It's never been easier to build a professional website.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

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